Waking Up with Sam Harris #66 – Living with Robots (with Kate Darling)

Sam Harris - Living in Robots

The Waking-Up Podcast

#66 – Living with Robots:

In this Episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Kate Darling about the ethical concerns surrounding our increasing use of robots and other autonomous systems.

Kate Darling is a leading expert in robot ethics. She’s a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, where she investigates social robotics and conducts experimental studies on human-robot interaction. Kate is also a fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet & Society and the Yale Information Society Project, and is an affiliate at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. She explores the emotional connection between people and life-like machines, seeking to influence technology design and public policy. Her writing and research anticipate difficult questions that lawmakers, engineers, and the wider public will need to address as human-robot relationships evolve in the coming decades. Kate has a background in law & economics and intellectual property.


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Kate Darling


Mistress of Machines. Human-robot interaction, robot ethics, IP theory & policy at MIT . Fellow at and affiliate.

Cambridge, MA


(Photo via the Séb)

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